It's been awhile since my last post. The influx of patients at the Hospital is relentless and working life is extremely hectic. So much so that I am so behind in my blog posts. Well I've made a promise to myself that whatever........ I will make an effort to post at least once a week. I so love
The Sunday Postcard Art Challenge and I've missed participating over the last few weeks. But I have found the time for an entry. This weeks theme " WHITE" a real boundry pusher but enjoyable to stretch one's creativity. Finecrafted Designs and Beth Rimmer over @ Deviant Scrap have released new kits in the store.
Meet The Mandrakes from Finecrafted Designs is a Fun and Quirky kit full of rootful goodness......Oh the possibilities with this one to let the imagination run wild. Go check it out it's Fabulous. Beth Rimmer has some
Art Doll Fashionistas for all you Art Doll Fans out there. Cute, Fun and wonderful. I love it. Here's what I have created with this fabulous stuff.

Pastimes. MY entry for The Sunday Postcard Art Challenge. A 6x4 Digital Collage created using Stark from Holliewood Studios @ Deviant Scrap. Copyright by Fiona Randall 28/03/2011. All Rights Reserved.

MOTHER EARTH. An 8x10 Digital Collage created using Meet the Mandrakes from Finecrafted Designs @ Deviant Scrap. Copyright by Fiona Randall 28/03/2011. All Rights Reserved.

FLORAL DANCE. A 5X7 Digital Collage created using Art Doll Fashionistas from Beth Rimmer @ Deviant Scrap. Copyright by Fiona Randall 28/03/2011. All Rights Reserved. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read. Hugs Fiona.