I want to share with you a fabulous new medium to incorporate into your mixed media artwork called Craft Attitude. What better way to show you it's many uses is the Sisters with Attitude project put together by my good friend Trudi Sissons ( Two Dresses Studio ) and the Tumblefish Studio Creative Team which I am proud to be a part of using craft attitude and images from Tumblefish Studio ( Marsha Jorgensen ) @ Deviant Scrap.Most of the TFS Creative Team made art pieces using Craft Attitude art film for
the first time to participate in this project and the results were amazing.
Craft Attitude isn’t transfer paper. It’s a new, patented technology that allows your printed inkjet image to be separated from its original paper carrier and become part of a new surface when applied. - See more information on this by clicking on the link in my sidebar. So here we go in the first of my posts for this weeks Sisters.

First up the hostess herself Trudi Sissons who without all her hard work none of this would have been possible. A fabulously talented artist whom I am proud to call my friend. Head on over to Trudi's blog and peruse all the wonderful sights to behold.
Second up a Dear friend from the UK Jayne Alexander. I have always loved Jayne's style and talent and in this piece it just shine through.
Third up is Mary Bailey, this lady just oozes talent and I am proud to just know her.
Fourth up Nancy Baumiller aka Crowabout StudioB. What's not to love about this lady. I have the honour of being on Nancy's creative team too. I love Nancy's quirky and Whimsical style.
Fifth up Marion Bockelmann aka Bockel24. I have been an admirer of Marions style for a few years now. A talented soul indeed.
Sixth up Amber Tabangay a wonderfully talented artist with a great eye for detail.
So that is it for the first instalment. Check out these lovely ladies blogs and leave them som love whilst perusing some stunning artwork. It's my turn to be showcased next week so I'll be back with more from this project to showcase.
Hugs Fiona.